Gifts in Kind

For a child living in deep poverty, sometimes the best gift isn’t monetary.

Sometimes it’s an insecticide-treated mosquito net to protect him from malaria and other deadly diseases. Or a new textbook to help her excel in her education. Sometimes it’s even just a durable pair of shoes to carry him safely to and from school. Non-cash donations take many forms, but they have one thing in common: They’re priceless for the children we serve.

Company-donated products complement and extend ChildFund’s programs across the many countries and subject areas in which we work, including health, education and emergency relief. Whatever the gift, whether from company inventory or specially made, ChildFund can use it to bring hope, support and opportunity to children living in impoverished communities.

Anyone can make a donation to help with shipping and other costs so that these life-changing goods reach the children who need them most. For corporate partners, the benefits of giving always come full circle in the form of enhanced public image, tax benefits, improved efficiencies and more. After all, investments in children are always sound investments.

To learn how your company can partner with ChildFund, contact Joan Lundgren at or (804) 756-8998.